
Welcome to The Saratoga Life where we discuss the beautiful city of Saratoga Springs – an amazing city in Saratoga County, New York, in the greatest country on earth the United States of America!

The population of Saratoga Springs was just 26,586 at the time of the 2010 census, but these folks know how to live! And at the same time having a not so huge population allows Saratoga Springs to maintain something of a small town vibe while at the same time providing everything that you could ever need and more.

As you may have guessed – the name “Saratoga Springs” pays homage to the world famous natural mineral springs in the area. These springs, believed by some to possess health and/or spiritual powers have made the Saratoga Springs area an incredibly popular vacation destination for over two centuries and counting!

Some folks refer to Saratoga Springs as “the Queen of the Spas” due to its rich heritage as a spa resort destination. In addition to Saratoga’s popular spas it was also known as an important destination for those interested in gambling and betting on the horses throughout a good part of both the 19th and 20th centuries.